lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

Which innovator are you?

Take this quiz and discover what type you are.


1. Innovation Futurists – These people see the benefits of change in all aspects of life
2. Innovation Realists– These are people that are enthusiastic about technology as long as its benefits, especially in social terms, can be clearly articulated
3. Innovation Sceptics – this term stands for a group of people representing 16% of UK population, who are particularly worried about the pace of change in society and feel innovation offers them little but threats
4. Innovation Romantics – this group view new gadgets and technology as exciting and interesting but tend not to engage with innovation in the long term.
5. Innovation Creatives – These are typically younger than average, and display high levels of creativity and have a social perspective on life.

Post here your result:

You are an Innovation Creative!

You are confident, sociable and on-trend, and you are interested in new ideas that use creativity to solve practical problems.
You tend to be an early adopter of new technology and ideas, and you are quick to recommend new products to your peers.
However, you sometimes struggle to bring innovation together as a single concept, and tend to think about innovation in the context of your own hobbies and interests.
You represent 19% of the UK population.

Innovation Realist

Innovation Realists appreciate new ideas but are not excited by them for their own sake. They believe that doing the right thing by others is more important than innovation at any cost. They acknowledge that it is necessary to keep pace with change and they balance the drawbacks of new ideas with the benefits.
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