miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015


This is an interesting blog about WINTER SURVIVAL TIPS.

Read these tips here and comment on this post with the class.

This is a good observation:

Winter Survival Means STOP. Stop, Think, Observe, and Plan.

This channel offers you loads of news and videos on topics that you might be interested in, too: history, human, animals, adventure, space, tech, Earth.

This is the survival story of a cute koala

These are the tips that 4th B students wrote after they did the group-work activity: TIPS TO SURVIVE IN WINTER AND IN THE WILDE

  1. Try to hunt animals if you are hungry.
  2. Find a river if you are thirsty or you need water.
  3. To keep warm, light a  fire.
  4. Protect yourself from insects and wilde animals.
  5. Be positive.
  6. Don’t worry.
  7. Stay calm.
  8. Search for wood to set a fire and make smoke signals.
  9. Divide carefully the food in order to have enough supplies left till you leave the forest.
  10. Find food in the trees or under the snow.
  11. Make a tent to sleep in.
  12. Use a blanket to keep warm.
  13. Stay together.
  14. Use a walkie-talkie.
  15. If you need shelter, look for a cave.
  16. Go to the top of the mountain.
  17. Have a survival knife.
  18. Kill animals to protect yourself by using a sharp stick.

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