This is the website where I took from this quiz.
Discuss with your classmates your choice!
You are at your best friend’s wedding just an hour before the ceremony is to start. Earlier that day, you came across definitive proof that your best friend’s spouse-to-be is having an affair with the best man/maid of honor, and you catch them sneaking out of a room together looking disheveled. If you tell your friend about the affair, their day will be ruined, but you don’t want them to marry a cheater. What do you do?
You are an eyewitness to a crime: A man has robbed a bank, but instead of keeping the money for himself, he donates it to a poor orphanage that can now afford to feed, clothe, and care for its children. You know who committed the crime. If you go to the authorities with the information, there’s a good chance the money will be returned to the bank, leaving a lot of kids in need. What do you do?
You’re involved in a two-car crash on your way to work one morning in which you accidentally hit and kill a pedestrian. As you get out of the car, you are intercepted by a tearful woman who seems to think that she hit and killed the pedestrian. You’re not sure why she thinks she hit the person, but she is convinced. There’s only you, the woman, and the person you hit on the road; there are no witnesses. You know that whoever is deemed responsible will probably be sent to jail. What do you do?
Your family is vacationing alone on a private stretch of beach with no lifeguard. Your daughter and your niece, both 7, are best friends and eager to get into the water. You caution them to wait until the water calms some, but they defy you and sneak in anyway. You soon hear screams of distress and find them both caught in a strong current. You are the only swimmer strong enough to save them, but you can only save one at a time. Your niece is a very poor swimmer and likely won’t make it much longer. Your daughter is a stronger swimmer, but only has a 50% chance of holding on long enough for you to come back for her. Who do you save first?
You are an EMT on the scene of a car crash that involves your spouse and the lover you didn’t know s/he had. They are both gravely injured, your spouse’s injuries the worst of them. You can tell it’s unlikely s/he will pull through. Meanwhile, his/her lover has a neck wound that will prove fatal if pressure isn’t applied soon. Whom do you choose to work on?
You are a doctor at a top hospital. You have six gravely ill patients, five of whom are in urgent need of organ transplants. You can’t help them, though, because there are no available organs that can be used to save their lives. The sixth patient, however, will die without a particular medicine. If s/he dies, you will be able to save the other five patients by using the organs of patient 6, who is an organ donor. What do you do?
miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016
martes, 9 de febrero de 2016
Socializing & Friendship - group B
How did your
parents meet?
Describe your
best friend from when you were a child.
3. When did you last go out with friends? What did you do?
When you're with
a group are you outgoing or quiet? Why do you think this is?
Do you usually
hang out with a few close friends or many different people?
How much do you
socialize with people from school? What do you usually do?
In your
language, is there more than one word for friend? If so, how are these words
How do you think
that the way people socialize changes when they drink alcohol?
How are the
social habits of people who live in the countryside different from people who
live in cities?
Would you rather
watch TV alone or with other people? How about going to the movies?
Socializing & Friendship - group A
Who was the last
friend that you met? How did you meet them?
Describe a
perfect weekend spent with friends.
Are your family
members also your friends? Tell about one person.
How often do you
go to a bar? Who do you usually go with?
What do groups
of friends usually do when they go out together on weekend nights in your
How do you think
your social habits would be different if you had grown up in the U.S.?
How many friends
have you kept from childhood? Tell about them.
Are there things
that people do for fun in other countries that you would like to see more of
in your country?
Tell about the
last party you went to.
Who's your best
friend? How did you meet him or her?
Write 80 words for the following task.
David, your American e-pal, is coming to Catalonia on a school trip.
He will visit you next Saturday. You have organised a day out for him.
Send him an e-mail telling him where you will go, which transport you will use, the places you will visit and the time and place you will meet.
David, your American e-pal, is coming to Catalonia on a school trip.
He will visit you next Saturday. You have organised a day out for him.
Send him an e-mail telling him where you will go, which transport you will use, the places you will visit and the time and place you will meet.

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